ジェシー (JESSY)
アジアンフィーリングの中国娘ジェシーさん。 タイのスタッフとはまた違う優しさにあふれたマッサージが受けられます。 心まで寄り添うような超癒し系セラピストなんです! 日本語大得意でお客さんと話すことが大好きです。 言葉遣いも丁寧で優しいタッチのマッサージに満足度急上昇のおすすめスタッフです! 60分じゃ足りない!もっと一緒に居たい!そんなジェシーさんに癒されてください♪ Jessie is a Chinese girl with an Asian feel. You can receive a massage filled with kindness that is different from the Thai staff. She is a super healing therapist who cares deeply for you! I'm good at Japanese and love talking to customers. Our staff is highly recommended and will increase your satisfaction level with their polite and gentle massages! 60 minutes is not enough! I want to be with you more! Please be healed by such Jesse♪ Jessie is a Chinese staff member. You can receive a massage full of kindness that is different from Thai staff. I'm a super healing therapist who snuggles up to my heart! I am very good at Japanese and love to talk with customers. It is a recommended staff whose satisfaction soars with a massage with a polite and gentle touch! 60 minutes is not enough! I want to be with you more! Please be healed by such Jessie♪
1/18(土) | 1/19(日) | 1/20(月) | 1/21(火) | 1/22(水) | 1/23(木) | 1/24(金) |
14:00 ~ 24:00 | 12:00 ~ 24:00 | - | - | - | - | - |