エマ (EMA)
明るくて可愛い20代! 会った瞬間からお見送りまでずっと笑顔の絶えないエマさん! その笑顔が忘れられなくてリピート確定。 マッサージはタイで習得済みですので問題無し。 超絶人気!予約必須でよろしくお願いします。 Bright and cute 20's! Emma never stops smiling from the moment we meet her until we see her off! I can't forget that smile and I'm sure I'll be returning again. I have already learned massage in Thailand, so there is no problem. Extremely popular! Reservations are required. Thank you. She can speak English very well.
1/18(土) | 1/19(日) | 1/20(月) | 1/21(火) | 1/22(水) | 1/23(木) | 1/24(金) |
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